Storage tanks planning tool

If possible, the storage tank size should be selected in a way, that the total amount of energy which the boiler produces can be stored in the buffer.

When selecting the size of the buffer tank, it is also necessary to consider the installation and placement options. The diameter of the tank must not be larger than the smallest door width, the tilt dimension or the height of the storage tank must be selected in such a way that the storage tank can be tilted into a vertical or horizontal position. The dimensions of the storage tanks can be found in the technical data tables.

Example for the tilt dimension of storage tank

Select storage tanks for wood heating systems

There are different methods to calculate the storage capacity for wood heating systems.
  • The legally required minimum buffer capacity of 55 liters per kW of nominal boiler heat output according to First Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (Erste Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes – 1. BImSchV) must be complied with in any case (example BioX 15: 16.6 kW * 55 = 913 liters).
  • The 1st BImSchV also recommends as a further calculation method the dimensioning depending on the filling space volume of the boiler. According to this, a "water heat storage tank with a volume of twelve liters per liter of fuel filling space should be kept available" (example BioX 15: 125 L * 12 L = 1500 L). This is usually sufficient when heating with soft wood such as spruce or pine.
  • Since the calorific value of firewood differs strongly depending on the type of wood used and the energy content of hardwood such as beech is approx. 50% higher than that of spruce (for comparison, 1 rm hard wood ≙ Ø approx. 1900 kWh, 1 rm soft wood ≙ Ø approx. 1400 kWh), the dimensioning depending on the mainly used firewood is a further useful solution.

   You can use the following calculation example to determine the buffer volume.

Optimized wood boiler operation with Solarbayer stratification storage tanks SLS

Buffer storage tanks with intelligent heat stratification and best energy usage such as the Solarbayer stratification storage tanks SLS enable maximum performance and optimize the system efficiency. Solarbayer stratification tanks with storage layer system make the use of solid fuel boiler systems almost as simple and comfortable as oil or gas boilers. Solarbayer wood gasification boilers generally produce during combustion much more energy than the heating system requires at the same time with one combustion chamber filling, if the boiler is sized correctly. The surplus heat provided by the boiler is temporarily stored in the buffer tank. After the fire in the boiler has burnt out, the heat from the buffer storage is available to the building and, if necessary, to the hot water system. The heating system can be supplied with heat without the wood boiler being permanently fired. When dimensioning wood gasification systems, the aim is that the boiler wood chamber usually only needs to be filled up once or twice a day, which improves also the heating comfort, in order to supply the building with heat around the clock.

   Stratification storage tank SLS

Calculate storage tanks for solar systems

With solar thermal systems, mostly the heat production does not happen at the same time as we have heat demand. While the output power of a solar thermal systems is normally highest during the midday hours, the demand for heating is generally lowest at this time of day. The most heat is consumed in the mornings and evenings - both for space heating and for domestic hot water production. Intermediate storage of the produced solar heat in a buffer storage tank or DHW tank is essential. The size of the storage tanks must be adapted to the size of the collector area. If the storage tank is too large, no usable temperatures are achieved in the tank, If it is too small, the energy available from the sun will not be used optimally. Our technicians will be happy to advise you here as well.

   Calculation example for the dimensioning of the storage tank capacity for solar systems

Rule of thumb for calculating buffer storage for solar thermal use:

For high-performance collectors from Solarbayer, the optimum buffer volume in terms of energy is approx. 50 litres for flat-plate collectors and approx. 60-70 litres per m² for CPC evacuated tube collectors. collector area. Larger buffer volumes can store more solar energy and make economic sense, but correct hydraulic integration is important. When selecting the buffer size for solar thermal systems, it is also important to take into account of possible requirements from subsidy institutions for compliance with the subsidy criteria.

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