Planning tools
Determine the possible annual yield of a solar thermal system in just a few steps.
Simple hydraulic examples provide you with a comprehensive planning tool for integrating Solarbayer products hydraulically into existing or new heating systems.
Based on many years of practical experience, rules of thumb and guidlines values have been proven themselves to calculate and plan solarsystems for DHW or heating support.
Planning tools for calculating and dimensioning wood heating systems, with examples for determining the boiler size depending on the heating intervals.
Planning tools for calculating and dimensioning air-to-water heat pumps, with examples for determining the heat pump operating mode depending on the temperatures and heat demand.
Simple calculation examples for calculating and dimensioning the buffer storage volume for wood heating systems and thermal solar systems.
A requirement for trouble-free system function is the professional calculation as well as the correct setting of expansion vessels.
Tool for calculating the mounting distance of collector stand up kits with multi-row mounting to avoid shading.
In only a few steps you can calculate your possible savings of heating costs with the heating costs calculator from Solarbayer.